Monday, December 7, 2009

#1 Pet Peeve

I know its the season to be grateful and all that (see previous post), however I feel the need to vent today. I have heard three people this past week tell me that they told their friends about our office and wanted them to come here. The response has been "I went to a Chiropractor already and I had a bad experience". I got to admit that this has to be my Top Pet Peeve! This is the same type of reasoning as getting a bad haircut and never getting a haircut again, or eating a bad meal at a restaurant and never going out to eat again! Their is no difference if you just fill in the blanks. What's worse is that this is their well being and health.

Encourage your friends and family to try us. If they say the above Pet Peeve you can call them out on it and blame it on me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Muchas Gracias!

"It is not by a man's purse, but by his character, that he is rich or poor"
- BJ Palmer, DC Developer of Chiropractic

Now is a great time to extend your gratitude for all the positive things in your life. From the most seemingly irrelevant (I am always grateful for hot water in the morning!) to the most precious (I am always grateful for my family!). Write at last 3 different things each night for 3 days - good way to see how lucky you really are.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Exercise in Resiliency

Today our business neighbors next door (Drycleaning service) accidently drove their delivery van into our front window at the office! Instead of being angry, me and my staff went on with seeing our clients. No one was hurt and business insurance should take care of the expenses. Only thing is I wished it would be a sunnier day (Its cold and rainy). How we choose to react to situations and being mindful can make a big difference in our stress levels and our health.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Processed Americans

When the Recession news first began hitting the media, my first thought was "Good. Maybe we will take a closer look at our spending habits and our diets". I had figured that we would do a lot less spending and more cooking at home. However, a recent article in the Charlotte Observer Money Wise section (D) on November 8, 2009, This recession looks fat on us, reported that recent surveys found that American's are turning more to cheaper processed food items. My feeling is that we are working more and looking to spend less. Groceries are expensive. Real food is expensive and access to real food via supermarkets makes them even more expensive. I look forward to the day when we can have CONVENIENT access to fresh, wholesome, real food without going to a retail outlet (the supermarket). The more farmer's markets the better. Please support your local market by going at least twice a month and tell them how grateful you are for their availability. Our health and our waist lines count on it.

Friday, October 30, 2009


No, not the band. I mean the man, NIKOLA TESLA. The past couple of weeks we have had an amazing machine, called the MG-33 (that is based on Tesla's work with electromagnetic fields) here in the office. The response has been really good. My understanding is that this method of treatment has been used by Eastern Euopeans for as long as 50 years!! The technology is just now being utilized here in the USA for human performance, healing, and more. Most people are familiar with it as a method for speeding the recovery of injuries, e.g. in professional sports. I hear the Chiropractor for the Philadelphia 76'ers uses it for their basketball players to cut rehab times in half. Call us to experience a demonstration for FREE by mentioning this BLOG. Call (704) 521-1389 today. Learn more at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

18 Hours and Counting...

NC Chiropractors are required to take 24 hours of Continuing Education every year. I actually love to learn new things and recently came away with some of the following at a recent class:

- A one day dosage of over the counter NSAID's (e.g. Ibuprofen) raises the risk of heart attack by 47%
- Chiropractic is 5 times more effective than drugs for pain management
- Research shows that it takes only 1000 accumulative doses of Tylenol to reach Kidney failure
- Omega 3's are the number one missing nutrient among Americans
- $5 Billion total yearly Chiropractic economic production. $32 Billion yearly total marketing expenditure by pharmaceutical companies.
- Vitamin D supplementation, particularly at higher doses, may protect against colds and flu
- Good and proper biomechanics ("movement") is important to physiology and systemic health and wellbeing
-The lowest exposure of aspartame at 80ppm caused a 62% increase in lymphomas and leukemia
- There are no significant (high potency) vegetarian sources of EPA (a vital Omega 3)

Of course there is more, but it would take alot of space...

Sunday, October 4, 2009


My son, Jacob (age 9), and I participated in the CROP WALK today. We walked 4 miles to help raise awareness and money for hunger. It was a fun time spending it with my little guy. We talked about many things, and he even learned about foot biomechanics, microtears, and keeping his feet healthy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reggae Got Soul

International reggae artist, Buju Banton, was in town recently for a concert to promote his new album, Rasta Got Soul. I was called on to provide him with care as the rigors of constant travel can be very hard on the body. Buju received a foot detox for cleansing and a Power Adjustment to restore full energy flow. His comment after getting Adjusted was "I can feel my atoms".

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Chiropractic!!!

Chiropractic was discovered on September 18, 1895. DD Palmer provided an ADJUSTMENT to a deaf janitor which cured his deafness. Interestingly, Chiropractic was first promoted as a cure for deafness.

The foundational principles of Chiropractic are

1) The Power that made the Body, Heals the Body
2) 100% Nerve (Energy) Flow = Optimal Healing and Body Function
3) Stress disrupts Nerve (Energy) Flow
4) Chiropractic Adjustments restore Optimal Nerve (Energy) Flow

"POWER ADJUSTMENTS" are what we call the Chiropractic Adjustment at our office because they calm tense nerves and restore normal energy flow from the inside-out. Increasing your resiliency to stress (The Resiliency Principle).

Friday, September 11, 2009

We're doin' our part...

For 9/11 (National Service Day) we are offering FREE care to Veterans and Active Military Personnel. It's our way of serving and participating on this day of remembrance.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My 2 Favorite GREEN DRINKS...

1st Green Tea Saketini - need I say more...

2nd GreensFirst - a whole food "green drink" supplement. It tastes good and has 49 super foods, extracts and concentrates, including super greens, veggies, fruits, probiotics, fiber, herbs, spices, bioflavinoids, enzymes and lecithin. Does NOT contain wheat, dairy, MSG, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup or other added sugars. Only 45 calories!

I mix it with cold water in the morning before breakfast. Great for mid-afternoon pick-me-up or before/after workouts.

This product is only sold through health professionals, so you can order from our website at

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dr. Wet BackCracker

That's the name given to me by my fiance' when she found out I was the OFFICIAL CHIROPRACTOR of the CHARLOTTE ROLLER GIRLS ( You see I was born in Mexico and I am also a Chiropractor. Get it?

They are having a big bout this Sunday, August 30, 2009. Its been a great pleasure working with the team and helping them with their aches and pains. My hope is that we are also helping to prevent injuries and increase performance too. I hope everyone in Charlotte gets a chance to see these tuff girls in action at least once. Many of the girls are actually working moms, and any support they get is appreciated.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kids and Chiropractic

There has been alot of press lately about Chiropractic care and children. Recent press has highlighted the benefits of Chiropractic for ADHD. All I can share is that some children that I have seen for ADHD have shown marked improvement in their excitability and some have not. Whether or not it is a cure is a bit strong, but everyone benefits from a normally-functioning, calm nervous system. Chiropractic care restores normal nerve tone in the core of the body - the spine. To me, this is just basics and a great place to begin. It's like making sure the battery is working in your car before moving on to the rest of the electronics. Other major areas that must be looked at are diet and daily activity.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Beach Bound!

I love the beach. My family is going for a week to the coast for some family beach fun. One of my favorite things to do is walking barefoot in the sand. In the beginning it actually hurts because the bones in my foot haven't moved around like they should have been since my last walk in the sand. You see the 50 plus bones in the foot are designed to move. Walking constantly on flat surfaces doesn't allow this to occur, so we get scar tissue and adhesions in some places of the foot and stretch out other parts of the foot too much (progressive loss of arches). This can then progress to foot problems (bunions), ankle problems, knee problems, and low back/hip problems. By the time I have to come back to the city, my feet feel awesome. This is one reason why I love wearing my custom-made orthotics until the next time I head off to the beach. Hopefully soon before it gets cold again...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Let the Detox Begin

Today I started on our 10 day Beginner's Detox. I try to do it at least twice a year. Right now is a perfect time to detox because (according to Chinese Medical Theory) Summer is a time to purge and expel. So, I will begin eating mostly raw fruits and veggies, take the SP Cleanse, Gastro-Fiber, and Trace Minerals for 10 days straight. It gets easier each time around, but is still challenging as my cravings are still strong for breads and sweets (mostly chocolate). At the end I always have a flatter stomach and more energy.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today Is The Day!

Today we have kicked off the beginning of our Brand New, A-la-Carte Fees. The feedback is really great and humbling. Also, we have had great feedback from clients about our newest Massage Therapist, Kimberly Cook. We are so happy to have her join our practice. Kimberly is a Certified Reiki Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Instructor. Her heart is intent on helping others. Also, she is a Licensed Esthetician and helps people look good too! She has graciously offered any new massage client a special one hour massage for only $45 (Reg $75)! Please hurry as we do not know how long she will keep this offer open. Call us at (704) 521-1389 for your appointment.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Response is Great!

The response to our New, A-la-carte Fess has been very good. People are excited to see that we are offering this program, especially in light of the current economic recession. Our new client fee of $39 is well received. It is less than many copays that we see today (average is $50!) for a Chiropractic visit. Also, its well below the price for a full tank of gas. Everyone deserves to care for their body as PRIORITY #1!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Games are for FUN, Not Business!

I have had enough of playing games with third party entities that have no interest in my client's well being, but only in their own profit margins. The news is full of stories of the current American health care crisis and the ominous future we have to look forward to if we do not fix it. With such a high cost of delivering health care in our country, shouldn't we have the best health care in the world? The reality is that we do not. I am making a commitment to providing the best Chiropractic Care in my Charlotte community. With increased copays, decreased reimbursements, and more medling by "bean counters", our office has decided to offer a new and exciting, a-la-carte fee structure. This new system will allow everyone an opportunity to receive care at our office, regardless of being insured and regardless of having poor benefits. I want to care and serve more people. With our new system, we can make this change. Our decreased involvement in the "insurance game" will help us be a part of the solution to rising health care costs, not the problem. Please join us in our new vision. Help others by telling others of our new value-packed, quality Chiropractic care services. For more information, please call (704) 521-1389.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

24 Hours of Booty

I helped out some friends of mine at the 2009 24 Hours of Booty for a few hours while they biked to raise money for cancer research. The Land Design group did very well. I brought my portable table and stretched out the riders. My two sons came along and enjoyed it too. It was a hot day but not as hot as on a really humid day. I hope to be there next year. My boys said they wanted to bike it in 2010!!

Real Food in Charlotte

My friends have now opened their vegetarian and raw food restaurant in Charlotte. I went twice last week and enjoyed it very much. It really is about time that we have such a place to call our own here in the Queen City. With so many seemingly health concious people in and around the area, it should do very well. I'll try to stop by at least once a week or more. Tell them you heard about it through me, Tony Peters the Chiropractor.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009