Friday, February 19, 2010

Kenny Yakito: World's Greatest Chiropractor

When my sons were very young (2004) they loved the Power Rangers. I caught this one day and it was so hilarious! Who knew that the Blue Power Ranger was a world famous Chiropractor?

(You can forward to 02:40 to get to the good part). Let me know what you think!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Intention is Everything

I have had many clients tell me to share my intention "sticky note" that I have posted near my table. This is what it says:

"Whoever receives my care will manifest Optimal Health and Functioning at Physical, Emotional and Mental Levels, and in particular will enjoy an increased sense of Energy, Vigor and Well-Being for the benefit of all".

It simply helps me check in and focus on "what its all about". As they say, Energy (Intention) is Everything.